It was bound to happen… Real Time Google Analytics! If you’re an exponential Internet marketer who adheres to Management By Metrics™, this is BIG! Just thought you should know! Psst! Thanks to Ray Keefe of Successful Endeavours for forwarding it to me in real time!
Tag Archive for 'Google'
Google Instant is not new, but it is having a dramatic influence on how people search…. As you can see when you use Google, the search results change dynamically AS YOU TYPE. The suggestions DO influence what people will type in – this is having a dramatic effect on Google Adwords… Ray Keefe of Successful […]
There is a great article on CNN’s website that summarises Nicholas Carr’s new book called “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains“. It reflects what I see in business people and entrepreneurs every day. People struggling to cope with more and more information, lacking the cognitive and reasoning skills to handle it. […]
With Google Caffeine, Google now analyzes the web in small portions and updates its search index on a continuous basis, globally. As they find new pages, or new information on existing pages, they can now add these straight to the index. That means you can find fresher information than ever before—no matter when or where […]
Trying to keep up with Google’s policy changes is getting harder and harder. Ray Keefe of Successful Endeavours sent me this update that I thought you should be aware of – it concerns trademark use in Google Ads. We address these issues in detail with our clients, which is beyond the scope of this blog […]
Ray Keefe of Successful Endeavours came across new data that shows Google searches are getting longer and more specific. Attached are a few pointers on how you can adapt. The data reveals that the percentage of clicks based on search term length is changing. Clicks made through searches over eight words grew by 8.3%, with […]
Today’s blog post is a tip that can save you countless hours managing remote contractors via the Internet if you use freelancers via online sources like It’s one of the many tips and techniques I teach my most elite clients at events such as Internet Millionaire Marketing, which by the way is now available […]
Ray Keefe of Successful Endeavours sent me a blog post you need to read – I have been across these changes for some time, but it’s newsworthy and perfectly explained by Google itself on this official blog post. Click on the link below to see the next generation of search results that without a doubt […]
Ever wonder if what you’re doing is working? With Google Analytics it’s simple and easy to track visitors to your site, but where did they come from? Why did they take action? What headline worked best? All of these questions can be answered with the following… Email Tracking Tip
As an Exponential Marketing Strategist, I am often asked if testimonials are as powerful as people claim they are. The answer is both yes and no. Yes if they include RESULTS and no if they don’t. If someone gives you a testimonial like “Marc is a great guy, he’s charismatic and really knows his stuff”. […]
Today’s Internet Marketing Strategy is an indirect strategy that COMBINED with others becomes exponential. First, it’s important to accept that no SINGLE STRATEGY works in isolation. Second, without MULTIPLE strategies an EXPONENTIAL outcome is unlikely. Third, FREE strategies require regular maintenance and monitoring. Today’s is no exception. I have written about LinkedIn before. Linked In […]