If you’re like most business managers, executives and entrepreneurs,
you’ve considered ‘doing an MBA’ but the time, cost and effort
involved was just too much until now…
Cities & Dates Are Being Finalised…
This compact 1 day format condenses the full MBA curriculum into one value-packed, 12-hour day, designed for busy, time-starved business people like you who want to get on the career fast track and STAY THERE.
Created by Dr Marc Dussault, The Exponential Growth Strategist, (yes he has an MBA amongst his 5 university degrees) this revolutionary program has been developed exclusively for busy executives and entrepreneurs.
You will get all 4 modules of an MBA delivered via 3 separate components as well as the underlying principles, concepts and case studies you need to take back to the office so you can apply them in your business and career.
Watch this brief 5-minute video overview
of the precursor to this revolutionary event
The 1 Day Mini MBA Has 4 Modules:
Nothing happens in your business or career unless you know how to market your product and/or services and then sell them. This module goes well beyond the basics of selling and marketing, introducing you to exponential strategies that leverage everything you have to produce outstanding results, often within the constraints of a shoe string budget and limited personal resources.
Here’s A Taste Of Just Some Of The
Profit-Expanding Marketing Morsels
You Will Devour In This Module
The 21 Power Principles Of Exponential Marketing
- 7 ways to out-think, out-perform and out-earn your competition:
- How to “Reverse Engineer” your (business) flight plan (this is the shortest path between where you are now and where you want to be)
- Learn the Strategy of Pre-Eminence, or how to be the first person that pops into your prospects’ heads the moment they think about your product or service.
- Practical Marketing Metrics: Learn how to calculate the Lifetime Value, Marginal Net Worth and Allowable Cost Of Acquisition of a customer to explode your customer base WITHOUT increasing the proportion of sales you spend on marketing.
- Discover how to differentiate, reposition and distinguish your business, product or service to make PRICE virtually inconsequential – EVEN in competitive, cut-throat industries.
- Learn how to make irresistible offers that prospects can’t refuse
- Learn to Up-Sell, Cross-Sell and Follow up-Sell to multiply profits from every transaction
- Harness the Power of Testing to multiply your results faster, cheaper and easier
- You’ll get the 135 proven best headlines / propositions to use – simply “adapt and adopt” to suit your business.
- Find out how there are ONLY three ways to grow a business
- 3 Advanced Ways to grow your business even faster, safer and easier:
The Power Parthenon Of Exponential Growth
Just When You Think Your Head
Is About To Explode With Exponential Possibilities,
We’re Going To Kick Into Overdrive!
The more sales techniques you know the more
paralysed and the less effective you will be!
Sometimes too much of a good thing is well… too much! And when you’re constantly thinking of what sales ‘kung fu’ flip technique to use on your customer, your mind is not where it needs to be – building a relationship with your client.
That’s why you can’t depend on selling tricks and techniques if you want to be successful. You need something that you can use to your advantage without thinking about it -it needs to be automatic. That’s why you need to learn the right MINDSET and not more techniques.
Learning sales techniques is like trying to defend yourself with your right hand while holding a martial arts magazine in your left hand. I’ve seen it all too often, the transparent, insincere cookie-cutter approach that reeks of desperation.
That’s why you need to attend so I can reveal how I was able to win multiple sales awards and rise to the top of sales teams with a lot less effort than my colleagues.
In sales, it’s not about how much you SELL,
it’s about how much clients BUY!
Read that headline again.
Most salespeople are so enamored with their techniques that they forget that the goal is not to show off, but to get clients to buy…
Here’s the thing…
Being an Exponential Top Gun Salesperson doesn’t mean being pushy, brash or forceful. In fact, it’s all about getting people to WANT to buy from you rather than you trying to shove something down their throats.
I know you probably don’t like sleazy selling techniques. That’s why I think you should learn how to sell like a pro while forging long-lasting relationships and building client loyalty.
Instead of teaching you sales techniques that only
work sometimes… You’ll discover the
SECRET MINDSET that works all of the time!
Unlike any other traditional ‘sales seminar’ I will not be teaching you more closing techniques, objection busters or refried attitude-adjustment or positive thinking philosophies.
I will go way beyond the traditional sales techniques, phrases and formulas to reveal my sales secrets that not only puzzled my competitors, but also baffled many of my colleagues who put in a lot more hours than I did for a lesser result.
- Exponential Top Gun Sales Strategies are about doing things your competitors don’t know you’re doing, which I call stealth selling. Otherwise what happens is they find out what you’re doing, copy you and you’re back at square one…You’d be surprised that 90+% of salespeople do what everyone else is doing and yet they expect better results… Einstein defined this as insanity.
I will reveal how you can:
- STOP wasting time cold calling (which in my opinion is a total waste of time)
- STOP attending all but the few select networking events that produce valuable leads
- STOP killing yourself working ridiculous hours
- STOP travelling needlessly yet maximise your face-to-face time with prospects
- STOP wasting time with tyre-kickers who won’t buy from you
- STOP wasting time and effort preparing needless proposals
So you can…
- START to get suspect and prospects to come to you automatically instead of you chasing them
- START Improving your conversions to as high as 100% (yes, 100%.)
- START preparing properly to ensure you can systematically reproduce your successes over and over again
- START living a better lifestyle by combining work and pleasure while increasing sales
Transform from an average,
ordinary salesperson into a Top Gun ‘overnight’!
The best thing is that and exponential mindset will help you make more money, have more fun and feel good about how you sell to people. Imagine that… No pressure, no guilt.
Included are real-life stories, examples and case studies revealing dozens of tips, tricks and techniques that you will take away with you and can implement in your business or job the very next day.
Rather than learning some isolated techniques that work only some of the time… You’ll learn how the right mindset makes all the difference – transforming all your existing tips and techniques into a formidable arsenal of sales weapons to win more customers than ever before – With a lot less effort, time and stress.
It’s not a template or formula. It’s a way of thinking that once adopted, unleashes the Exponential Potential™ that is right there ready for the taking.
You’ve already acquired 80% of the skills you need to be a Top Gun Salesperson – you just need the missing 20% that converts prospects to paying clients sooner and more often.
This Exponential Mindset when applied to selling becomes a defensible competitive advantage that once adopted, gives you the wisdom and confidence of a true
Exponential Top Gun Salesperson – athletes call it game excellence rather than playing an excellent game (once in a while).
With ‘game excellence’, you will be able to perform at your best each and every time, removing the hit-and-miss approach that punishes most salespeople, destroying their self confidence and creating the never-ending emotional roller coaster synonymous with poor salesmanship.
Learn advanced persuasion and sophisticated
influence skills that turn prospects into paying clients
This program includes advanced persuasion and sophisticated influence skills and techniques that apply equally to consumers and business clients from retail to complex multi-stage selling situations.
As the economy is making its slow recovery and things seem to be getting better, the one thing that won’t improve anytime soon is people’s scepticism. That’s good news for Top Gun Salespeople but bad news for everyone else who don’t understand how people buy in such cynical times.
Guess what?
Professional selling excellence doesn’t come with age or grey hair. It doesn’t come with experience ‘selling’. It only comes from learning the right mindset – An Exponential Mindset.
People don’t care what qualifications or university degrees you’ve collected over the years. And truth is they don’t give a damn about you or your business until you know how to showcase your expertise and position yourself properly so they start to care and want to know more about you, your products and services.
Imagine having a sales funnel full of prospects who want to know more about you, hear what you’re up to and want to know about your next product or service… Having them on pins and needles anxious and excited!
Let’s face it, business success is based on what people can and can’t do – or more precisely what they want or don’t want to do. That of course includes you!
In this module, we’re going to cover personality profiling principles so you first learn your own cognitive learning and leadership styles and personality characteristics and then discover your team’s profiles for performance enhancement and leverage.
- Personality Profiling – is one of the easiest HR strategies to learn and implement, yet it is one that eludes most Small Businesses. ‘Big Business’ has been using Personality profiling for decades – now you will learn one of the most prolific systems developed over the past 40 years –along with about a dozen additional demographic descriptors that AMPLIFY the power of this technique. It will forever shift your thinking about your business, your ROLE in the business and your TEAM.
- Hiring for success – Hiring the best people is a challenge, especially in a hot economy with more or less no unemployment. Personality profiling is one key to not only finding, but retaining and maximising your human resource investments. We will create a role play exercise that will engage all participants to re-enact real world situations we are all faced with.
Your ultimate success is based on your
ability to get things done
Trying to be all things to all people is ludicrous, yet most people seek to win the ‘Superman or Wonder Woman awards’ year in, year out with disastrous consequences. Going beyond the simplistic view of this powerful concept, we will, through interaction, assess and analyse what you can STOP DOING that has little or no effect on your Pathways to Profits™. This exercise will be the source of epiphanies for a handful of participants. It might be you if you often feel overwhelmed, stressed and/or working way too many hours.
- Personal Productivity Powerhouse Principles:
This is one of my strategies I developed early on in my career to catapult my effectiveness to orders of magnitude (compared to my peers). I will explain how, when I left my

The time you gain is like adding a full day to every month – Imagine how much more you can get done!
first job (out of uni), I had to be replaced with not one, not two, but three people to produce what I was capable of doing in 50 to 60 hours/week.
That is at least a 200% effectiveness ratio (40 hrs X 3 = 120 person-hours/week). Simple in design, its application as a DISCIPLINE is not within reach of most. I will go into the finer details and distinctions of how you can adopt this in your business life NOW and start to create the habit and discipline to make it ‘second nature’ and automatic. Without the unconscious aspect, it is a chore, burden and hindrance that overwhelms even the most committed.
- Systemising your business: We’ve all heard that systemizing your business is the only way to unshackle yourself from the ‘Entrepreneurial Jail’, yet how that can be done on a limited budget and resources is a challenge for most business managers, executives and entrepreneurs.
You can’t systemise something that hasn’t been documented or otherwise captured. We use a Business Building Blueprint™ to visually illustrate how suspects become prospects on their way to becoming paying customers and clients. Each journey taken becomes a Pathway To Profit™ that can be systemised and then optimised for maximum profit with the lowest cost and resources.
One of the reasons systemizing a business is difficult is the transition from working ‘IN’ the business to working ‘ON’ the business. This module will review the concept of Management By Metrics™ you need to use to manage YOUR business (department, unit or team) to gauge your path to the RESULTS your want.
- Reverse Engineer your success: Because “Success leaves clues” you will be presented with a reverse engineering framework we call Reversing For Results™ for all your sales, marketing, operational and production activities that will uncover what you are doing that works and pinpoint what doesn’t work so you can select you Next Best Step™ along your various Pathways To Profits™.By choosing the ‘lowest hanging fruit’ that has the MAXIMUM impact with the LEAST amount of effort, risk and cost, you can quickly produce results that motivate your team, impress your peers and force ‘upper management’ to take notice.
The beauty and inherent power of any system is its ability to reproduce results over and over and over again – on demand, with a lot less effort and lower cost.Because the most exponential lever in any business is the Internet, we will touch on a handful of Internet marketing strategies, tools and resources that you can start to use immediately to meet and surpass your targets and quotas.The most valuable aspect of the Internet marketing strategies we teach is that they are usually free or cost a fraction of traditional methods, so they fit into any budget, in any industry.
- Decision Making and Managing Change: Once you learn and adopt Exponential Mindset Thinking™ – the biggest challenge you will have is to affect change in others. This module, based on extensive academic research will focus on the conclusions that can be APPLIED by ANYONE in ANY BUSINESS to substantially improve the QUALITY and QUANTITY of decisions made as well as the success of their implementation.This full-on presentation is the most intense and intellectually demanding, enriching and illuminating presentation that I can give to business executives who really want to step up and break through from GOOD or EXCELLENT to a level of OUTSTANDING results.
- Financial Planning and Getting your Business ‘Investor Ready’: In short, it’s “How to get your business ready so that someone wants to buy it at a price and conditions that would be (more than) acceptable to you to sell it.
Easier said than done, there are a handful of MUSTS that need to be considered NOW.These will be highlighted in summary fashion to give all participants an idea of how to structure their affairs in anticipation of the inevitable. A brief discussion of succession issues will be introduced for firms and departments that are not seeking an exit strategy, but need to plan for a transition.There is nothing more destructive to a corporate career and reputation than ‘leaving a mess behind’ with total disregard for a smooth transition or succession plan. The most revered companies have formal processes to deal with the inevitable transfer (hopefully ascension) of roles for their middle management and senior executives.
- Fear of Failure and Leadership: Why Smart Executives Fail – If you’ve ever sub-optimised your own outcome or seen someone else do it – there’s an explanation, a reason and a way to avoid it. Based on Peak Performance strategies, this session will look at the dark side of Entrepreneurship. The reasons why MOST entrepreneurs can’t scale their businesses and why so many fail or never get close to their ultimate goals or lifestyle.This discussion will NOT be anecdotal, but based on extensive academic research, simplified and distilled to a pragmatic and practical level that will enable you to read the signals that precede catastrophic outcomes.
Is Delivered Via 3 Components:
Have you ever felt unprepared for a seminar or workshop realising that you didn’t get as much out of it as you would have if you had been given the opportunity to prepare?
That is precisely why we created Pre Program Preparation for all our events. Pre Program Preparation is all about making sure you access, read, review, study and learn the grounding materials for the course you’re attending. In traditional courses, instructors waste up to 50% of the course time telling you things you already know and then running out of time for the things you really wanted to learn.
With Pre Program Preparation, you gain advanced access to all the tips, documents, audio and/or video recordings, checklists and web links that you need to establish a basic, fundamental understanding of the concepts, ideas or philosophies that will be discussed.
As grounding material – the Pre Program Preparation is not a substitute for the live event, it’s a necessary component to make sure that everyone attending is ready to go full-on right from the start. That’s why it’s strongly advised that you do all the Pre Program Preparation exercises and assignments so you don’t start the event behind the proverbial 8-ball.
Often, the Pre Program Preparation includes exercises that are introspective and therefore quite difficult to complete when first attempted. These are usually scheduled at the beginning of the cycle to give you sufficient time to revisit them once other Pre Program Preparation modules are completed.
Many exercises are purposefully intertwined to reinforce each other so that each iteration in the process helps you get closer to the ultimate clarity that you seek.
The goal of the Pre Program Preparation is to ensure that all attendees of the workshop begin on the same page. Don’t worry – if you have questions, or have not finished all the exercises, you’re not expected to complete all the assignments perfectly. Just make sure you get them all started so they can be completed during the workshop.
Which brings me to the last important point of the Pre Program Preparation – make sure you bring all the completed assignments with you – as well as any supporting documentation, just in case you need it during the workshop. You never know what thoughts and ideas you might have.
Bringing more with you is always better than less. Also, I strongly advise you double-check the complete list of the Pre Program Preparation the night before you travel to or attend the event. I also recommend that you review all the components on your way to the venue (if you’re not driving!)
This workshop is an interactive experience that will spark your creativity and innovative spirit to unleash the entrepreneurial business genius that resides (hidden) within you. Your presenter, Dr Marc Dussault is an expert Exponential MasterMind Experience facilitator that engages participants in a fun and playful manner without being provocative or putting anyone on-the-spot.
With 12 hours of priceless content, the workshop exercises are intense, fast-paced and designed to be memorable in their delivery and effectiveness.
Each module has specific deliverables as indicated in the course curriculum below.
The Exponential MasterMind Experience Explained
An Exponential MasterMind Experience exponentially leverage the assets, skills, abilities, experience and knowledge of all of its participants in a unique ‘surreal’ way that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
“If Exponential marketing strategies are steroids
for your business or website,
a MasterMind Experience Workshop
is a pure profit Adrenaline rush!”
–Dr Marc Dussault
Not for everyone, an Exponential MasterMind Experience is a powerful environment where creativity, innovation and the passion for excellence can thrive. It is fluid, flexible and allows for a kaleidoscopic exploration of these amazing strategies and concepts.
The Exponential MasterMind Experience is a must if you’re committed to growing your business. All you need to do is give the concept a chance to let the real-life bottom-line results in your business speak for themselves.
The concept of MasterMind Groups was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in the early 1900’s. In his timeless classic, “Think and Grow Rich” he was the first to summarise, consolidate and document the organising principles (distinctions of success) of the most powerful, influential and financially successful people of that era.
Nearly every great achievement or massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal. The American Declaration of Independence was the result of a MasterMind Group, so was man’s first powered flight, as well as man’s first flight into space and subsequently the moon.
In his seminal book he defined the MasterMind Principle as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He goes on to explain “Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel and personal cooperation of a group of people who are willing to lend him/her wholehearted aid, in a spirit of perfect harmony.”
Furthermore, he introduces the key exponential construct behind the MasterMind principle as “no two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” This is due in large part to our predisposition as social beings to “take on the nature and habits and the power of thought of those with whom we associate in spirit of sympathy and harmony.”
Success is not a solo act. To get from where you are to where you want to be, you need other people. A MasterMind Group is an excellent way to interest other people in your vision of success.
Our minds are like batteries…
Mr. Hill explains this analogy using the little know fact that a group of electrical batteries mysteriously provide more energy than a single battery of the same capacity. Similarly, Mr. Hill extols that our brains, when combined within a proper MasterMind Group, will produce more brain power than each individually could on their own.
So how do you get plugged in?
First, you attend a workshop like the 1 Day Mini MBA where there is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that empowers participants to raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.
The Exponential MasterMind Experience shares the basic philosophy that more can be accomplished in less time by working together in an open, supportive environment so participants can first see things from their own perspective or world view via the Pre Program Preparation. And then, by adding others to the mix at the workshop, the group has a greater ability to share a combined intellect to see things from several new, different and contrasting perspectives in what has been referred to as the “third mind.”
It is this collective third mind that, when led by an expert facilitator such as Dr Marc Dussault, processes and distils information down to its essence, crystallizing abstract thoughts and feelings into tangible ideas and actions that can be readily implemented for exponential advantage.
Of course the rubber hits the road with the Post Program Planning exercises that follow on from the interactive workshop…
Tell me you’re not excited about this workshop – you have every right to be! This is a unique, special and intimate experience you won’t soon forget.
Transformational. Insightful. Invigorating.
Have you ever attended a great seminar or workshop, get excited and within 2 or 3 days feel deflated and disappointed?
That is exactly why we created Post Program Planning for all our events. There is nothing worse than investing hundreds or thousands of dollars for an event and coming out of it without on-going support and an action plan that helps you implement what you learnt.
The Post Program Planning I’ve created is customised for this event and specifically tailored to each individual version of the event, so that you’re not getting a pre-packaged series, rather exactly what you need based on what actually took place at the workshop.
Post Program Planning exercises include a wide variety of tools and techniques delivered electronically and for some programs, includes physical shipments to give you an additional hands-on tactile experience.
Nothing has been spared when creating, updating and deploying the Post Program Planning components. Each series is designed to ensure you take what you learnt at the workshop and apply it in your business or career immediately AND that you refine and fine tune them as you develop your own mastery and confidence.
Post Program Planning can last several weeks to several months. There is no set limit to the bonuses and gifts included. In many instances, workshop participants communicate with us, sharing experiences, insights and distinctions worthy of being shared with other participants. When the contributions are deemed valuable, they are openly shared with the original source always given full credit.
By involving you in the process, Post Program Planning is an essential part of the interactive experience that I create at all my seminars, workshops and events. If at any time, you see an opportunity for improvement, please provide your suggestion to us. We walk the talk of continuous and never-ending improvement. Both the Pre Program Preparation and Post Program Planning are the direct result of dozens of helpful suggestions that have made them what they are today.
The triumvirate of the Pre Program Preparation, the live MasterMind Experience workshop event and Post Program Planning is a winning combination that is truly exponential in its design and delivery. It’s become the level of quality, thoughtfulness and proven methodology that you have come to expect from us.
We don’t aim to please – we aim to surpass your expectations each and every time you register and participate in one of our events. Especially when it’s the 4th or 5th time you attend the ‘same’ event!
A full academic curriculum-based MBA
will cost you $50,000+ and
take 1 to 2 years of your life
The 1 Day Mini MBA not only covers all of the key concepts and strategies of an academic MBA, but it’s fully condensed and concentrated to eliminate all repetition and useless filler that professors like to put into their course outlines. (They do that to keep themselves interested, not for your benefit!)
The content of this special program has been distilled from Dr Marc Dussault’s own experiences as an Executive MBA student as well as a professor of Entrepreneurship, Organisational Behaviour, Management Information Systems, Technology Management and Strategy and Marketing. Subsequent to his teaching in Canada and Australia, Marc has applied these learnings in a wide range of industries and a variety of companies – first hand as well as a business mentor, coach and advisor.
The content for this 1 Day Mini MBA, by necessity has to be the very best, most potent strategies, techniques and concepts – there is no time to dilly dally. You’ve read summaries of business books that compress hundreds of pages into a handful of bullet point highlights. This is the same – EXCEPT that with the Pre Program Preparation and Post Program Planning, you will have extra time to delve into as much detail as you want or need for each of the modules.
Even though this is a condensed version of an academic MBA program, you will agree that the content is priceless and practical. The precursor to this event was a 4-day program called Advanced Business Mastery. Admittedly with 4 times more face-to-face time we were able to cover subjects in more detail, but the participants who did attend the event who did have a Masters Of Business Administration degree unanimously confirmed that THIS content was more relevant, useful and applicable to their businesses than the theory they learnt as MBA students.
The 1 Day Mini MBA is a theory-free zone even though we will review the theoretical foundations necessary to understand the mechanics of why things happen. During the Exponential MasterMind Experience Workhop, we’re going to apply theories to real case study situations with sufficient variations that you’ll be able to walk into work the next day and use them in your business.
Information You Won’t Find Anywhere Else
The content for this program has been hand-picked by Dr Marc Dussault himself. With 5 university degrees that span engineering, business, law, taxation and corporate governance, you can only imagine what he’s been exposed to (more than 5,000 academic articles and research reports! As a speed reader, he has consumed close to 1,000 business books – many you would never consider reading. He has extracted the most interesting and powerful snippets that he will reveal LIVE and IN PERSON during the Exponential MasterMind Experience Workshop as well as insert them into the Pre Program Preparation and Post Program Planning exercises. That’s why this is a must-attend event.
The Mini MBA – A Bargain Price Without The Compromise In Quality
A traditional academic MBA will cost you $50,000 to $65,000 and take 1 to 2 years of your life to complete – if you do finish it and graduate. From 10% to 40% of MBA students don’t end up graduating, depending on the program and their personal circumstances influenced by work, family and health conflicts and responsibilies. Many struggle with the added pressure of having to study, bring up a family and juggle career responsibilities. Some suffer health consequences due to the stress and a few end up divorced.
I tell you this not to scare you, but to make the simple point – getting a traditional MBA is a huge financial and personal commitment. It’s not for everyone. That’s exactly why we teamed up with Business Strategies International to offer this Mini MBA Program. For people who want to cut to the chase and get their careers on the fast track or fast-trackers who want to stay on the success ladder and run up two rungs at a time.
Don’t wait – this is the first-time Inaugural Edition…
That means the content and extended 12-hour workshop format will probably be scaled down in subsequent editions of the program. That means this is the ONLY chance you have to take part in this version of the program. First time editions are always over-packed with value. For a reason. We want to reward early adopters.
The 1 Day Mini MBA
Cities and Dates Are Forthcoming Soon…
Testimonials From Previous Editions
Of The 1 Day Mini MBA
Please tell me how do I do the distance learning of this One day MBA.
Thank You.