Archive for the 'Business Process' Category

Business and intuition

We have all had them – premonitions, gut feelings, the sense that something will happen before it does, knowing something we shouldn’t well before it seems logical or sensing something happening to someone close to you that is physically far from us… Gut feelings… a sixth sense… by whatever name, intuitions can be informative. Many […]

Entrepreneur: Defined

When I did my coursework for my Ph.D. in Business Administration, one of the things that initially surprised me was how academics couldn’t agree on seemingly simple definitions for terms such as Entrepreneur or Family Business. I quickly realised that the definition of the word, theme or concept determines HOW you’re going to study or […]

Apple’s Cash Pooling

As you know, I am a huge fan(atic) of Apple‘s products – haven been for more than 20 years. Of course with great products and market-leading valuations means Apple gets a lot of news coverage. This week it’s about it’s overseas tax planning strategies and cash pooling. Even though they are legitimate and legal, the […]

Strategy Versus Tactics

We have all heard the expression “you need to work ON your business instead of IN it…” Easier said than done. In fact, for most owner operators, it’s a transition they can never make. The reason is simple: The personality traits that got them to go INTO business are exactly the ones that will keep […]

How To Grow Your Business

We all remember playing around with a Rubik’s Cube, getting close to solving it only to scramble it even more… Those frustrations are not all that different from business owners who try to grow their businesses… Now there’s a special tool to help you grow your business – it’s called a Marc-Ka-Ching Kube!

Protect Your Startup With Insurance

Protect Your Startup With Insurance Determining the right business insurance for your startup business requires careful analysis and thoughtful reflection. With the proper investment of time and effort, you can figure out the most essential insurance products for your particular situation. As a matter of principle, you should review your needs with an experienced insurance […]

Why Success Gets Harder For “Most” Entrepreneurs

Have you ever wondered why success gets harder as you become more successful? It’s because of your opportunity costs that keep rising as you get more and more successful mixed with a short term focus on “making deals” and taking care of emergencies instead of working “on” the business… It’s quite a dilemma that paralyses […]

4 Minutes To Explosive Growth

I love it when I learn my own lessons! I teach ambitious entrepreneurs and business executives how to find hidden opportunities in their businesses. Opportunities that are sitting right there, under there noses… That’s what happened to me today. I figuratively tripped across a 4-minute audio that I completely forgot I had in my archives […]

How To Add Value To Your Clients

Exponential Marketing has a cornerstone concept: Add value to your clients and they will come back and refer more clients to you. Easier said than done. That’s why I’ve included a simple example: An Australia Post Postcard Fact Sheet that helps clients prepare their documents for direct mail. The question for YOU is “What basic […]

How To Brand Your Company 3 of 4

I recently recorded a 1-hour Momentum MasterMind Session for our Business Mastery Platinum Program Members called “Bland to Brand”. It was a powerful session that highlighted the 8 mistakes people make naming their business and the 19 Steps to Naming Your Business. If you’d like to get your hands on this program, give us a […]

What Watching Australian Open Tennis Can Teach You About Running Your Business

Last week, I had the pleasure and privilege to attend the 2011 Australian Open Tennis Championship. In one of the semi-final matches, Novak Djokovic was playing the legendary Roger Federer and at one point had “vision problems”… Due to dry contact lenses. So you’d think he would have eye drops in his bag…. Nope! Can […]

Business Coaching Case Study: How To Become An Expert

I was recently working with a client, Bree Robbins of Paddington Pups in Brisbane. As her business coach and mentor, we were discussing how she can differentiate herself within her existing product and service offering. I’m not advocating this is the primary theme, but rather a secondary or additional Pathway to Profit™. When a dog […]

Grow sales with clear communication

If you want to grow your sales, you need to improve and enhance the clarity of your communications. One quick and easy way is to define what you mean when you use terms and definitions. For example, I explain all my exponential syntax, vocabulary and business definitions on a special page on this blog. I […]

With C.K. Prahalad’s Passing, The World Loses A Great Thought Leader

COIMBATORE KRISHNARAO PRAHALAD, universally known as C.K., was the most creative management thinker of his generation. He revolutionised thinking on two big subjects, business strategy and economic development, and made a significant contribution to a third, innovation. His admirers were legion, including bosses of some of the world’s biggest companies, heads of NGOs and founders […]

Management By Metrics: Numbers They’re Everywhere!

I teach my clients a strategy called Management By Metrics which is one of the strategies to compress their Pathways To Profits and create multiple Rivers Of Revenue. The sophisticated clients can use these metrics to Reverse For Results, re-creating any success they want, on command. It’s pretty powerful stuff. This short YouTube video was […]


I recently read “Flavor of the month: Why smart people fall for fads” by Joel Best, published in 2006, it’s a very interesting read. I thought page 101 was particularly valuable and at the same time funny. It’s on my Linked In reading list if you want to find out more about what I thought […]

Squash Videos A Case Study Of Management By Metrics

If you don’t already know, I am a competitive squash player, now ranked in the ‘top 20’ in the world in the Men’s 45-49 age category. I learned to play squash less than 10 years ago, have only played competitively for the past 5 years and have competed in less than 10 tournaments in my […]

We’re hiring, looking for an Antimimeticisomorphic Coordinator…

Pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested… [SPECIAL DISTINCTIONS INCLUDED BELOW!] Antimimeticisomorphic Coordinator Working with one of the biggest names in the Australian business and personal development market, you’ll be exposed to cutting edge business and personal growth strategies on a daily basis. You won’t necessarily have been exposed to this […]