There are many concepts, strategies, techniques and approaches that make Exponential Marketing so effective, efficient and economical. One of the foundational building blocks is what I call Killer Kopywriting. It’s more than just words that sell, it’s a system that teaches you how to establish Killer Konversations that Kreate Killer Kampaigns to Konvert more Klients. […]
Archive for the 'Lead Generation' Category
Does combining offline and online mean double the costs or double the profits? That’s a perplexing question that baffles many small business owners and independent retailers. What works for multinational corporations with deep pockets doesn’t work for small businesses with shoe-string budgets. Even though today’s empowered consumers expect to interact with brands across a wide […]
Across Italy, police are cracking down on Ferrari and Lamborghini drivers, but not because they are driving too fast. Italy, like so much of southern Europe, is drowning in debt, so police are pursuing drivers to make sure they are declaring – and therefore paying taxes on – earnings that would allow them to afford […]
I recently blogged that print media is alive and well, but there are still some skeptics out there who don’t fully understand why that’s the case. First, let me deal with the obvious issue – print IS declining. There is no question that it has peaked and it’s decreasing quickly, but it’s far from dead […]
I recently created a short YouTube video (48 seconds) that highlights what you can do with the exponential power of the Internet. In less than 1 minute, I am able to introduce myself as The Exponential Growth Strategist, promote my 1 Percent Improvement Doctrine to help you get more done with less effort, and make […]
Clients see you in one of two ways, either as a COST or as a BENEFIT. Examples of companies that are perceived as a ‘cost’ Lawyers Dentists Plumbers Gym Search consultants/headhunters Examples of companies that are perceived as a ‘benefit’ Restaurants that you want to eat at (non fast food) Jeweller Concerts and events Zoo […]
I was just talking with a print publisher explaining to her that I am a firm believer in the immense value of print media – EVEN if we are in a digital age, we are still not about to forego print anytime soon. Print just has to COMPLEMENT digital capabilities. Both print and digital can […]
There is a four step process everyone goes through as they make a purchase. Consider – Before anyone makes a decision, they must consider this opportunity. Most salespeople skip this step to their detriment. Decision – This is when the ‘sale’ takes place. However, most ineffective salespeople skip the consideration stage and try to force […]
If you’ve been transfixed by the catastrophic events in Japan, you’ve seen and heard the media’s insatiable appetite for fear mongering. I heard a quote ” Facts Whisper, Fear Screams” that I thought was appropriate and timely. I am staging my Killer Kopywriting Workshop this weekend in Sydney – if you want to attend, give […]
Everyone involved in direct mail wants to increase response rates. I came across a blog post that explains how you can significantly increase direct mail response rates. I’ve used this strategy countless times. Of course you don’t want to overdo using post it notes as the video below confirms.
If you could do just one of these things a day, imagine what would be possible: Write a new short blog post about something you saw through Google Alerts. Post a useful comment on a forum or blog that your perfect customers commonly frequent. Send a Top 10 list or helpful article to your clients […]
Monica and I were in Perth recently for an event we staged for engineers, called Slide Rule Thinking In The Internet Age. We had difficult getting a taxi and walked over to a hotel lobby and asked the concierge to call us a taxi. That’s when limousine driver/owner Graeme Main showed up offering a free […]
We’ve all heard of the classic money back guarantee, but where else have you heard of someone guaranteeing results? That’s exactly what we’re doing for our next 2 programs – Etch-A-Sketch Thinking In The iPad Age and Become The Next Corporate Rockstar. Everyone gets to a point where they run out of fresh new ideas. […]
This is a classic advertising story that is worthy of repetition. It’s not just funny, but exceptionally valuable when you extract from it lessons that you can leverage from it. Enjoy! A barber had been noticing that his clients had been dropping off slowly over the last eighteen months or so. He blamed the economy […]
Google “transactional marketing” or “relationship marketing” and you’ll get thousands of hits with titles like “relationship marketing vs transaction marketing”. Basically, transactional marketing is thought of as a thing of the past, while relationship marketing is the bright future that businesses should be striving towards. Transactional Relationship Marketing: The Cost Effective and Environmentally Friendly Strategy […]
I recently spoke at the 2010 Food Services Australia Show. I presented a summary of “How To Market Your Restaurant To Fill Your Empty Tables”. This all came about because of the 2010 Exponential Entrepreneur Of The Year Winner, Gavin Buckett, also known as the Gourmet Guardian, Australia’s premier Food Safety Specialist and HACCP Certification […]
Today’s post is the second of a two-part list of 20 Tips to Boost Your Direct Mail Response. Direct Mail is still a very effective way to market your products and services. To learn the art and science of Direct Marketing, you should consider our Killer Kopywriting System. 10 More Tips To Boost Your Direct […]
Today’s post is the first of a two-part list of 20 Tips to Boost Your Direct Mail Response. Direct Mail is still a very effective way to market your products and services. To learn the art and science of Direct Marketing, you should consider our Killer Kopywriting System. 20 Tips To Boost Your Direct Mail […]
This 4 minute YouTube video takes a fun approach to resolving the challenge of breaking the language barrier in selling to non-English speaking prospects… Sometimes the obvious is well… obvious!