Looking to design a business card, have a look at the infographic below of the anatomy of a great business card.
Archive for the 'Pre-eminence' Category
This is a BRILLIANT example of a retail shop that knows the value of testimonials and “case studies”… It is so good, it’s self-explanatory!
As a reader and/or subscriber to this and my other blogs, you already know that I have a holistic approach to life and business. I live and promote a “purpose driven life” that requires that you find and follow your passions. To help find your purpose and passions, you can begin by asking yourself the […]
Even though I don’t own a dog, I love em! I especially enjoy visiting Paddington Pups as you can see below. I mean c’mon – life doesn’t get any better than spending it with happy, playful puppiess and dogs who love you unconditionally. Paddington Pups is raising money and awareness for the Millan Foundation setup […]
When I came across the article shown below, I just though there was a marketing lesson in there somewhere… Can you find it? Read the article and try to find the lesson, once you think you have it, click on the read more button.
This is an example of a superbly written explanation. It’s direct, to the point and reinforces why Qantas remains the safest airline in the world. I teach Killer Kopywriting to business people and will make sure they read this as a perfect case study example. I wasn’t affected during this period, but I have to […]
There is a four step process everyone goes through as they make a purchase. Consider – Before anyone makes a decision, they must consider this opportunity. Most salespeople skip this step to their detriment. Decision – This is when the ‘sale’ takes place. However, most ineffective salespeople skip the consideration stage and try to force […]
I recently recorded a 1-hour Momentum MasterMind Session for our Business Mastery Platinum Program Members called “Bland to Brand”. It was a powerful session that highlighted the 8 mistakes people make naming their business and the 19 Steps to Naming Your Business. If you’d like to get your hands on this program, give us a […]
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s why branding is so important. In today’s post we’re going to take a close look at YOU… The image you project to the world – your suspects and prospects. What Image Do You Project To Prospects And Clients?
Today’s post will make you laugh. They were sent to me by David Cordover, from Chess Kids. Chess Kids provides the opportunity for all children to Build their Mental Muscles™ by learning and playing chess. It’s a great introduction to a special series of blog posts on branding that I have lined up for you. […]
If you could do just one of these things a day, imagine what would be possible: Write a new short blog post about something you saw through Google Alerts. Post a useful comment on a forum or blog that your perfect customers commonly frequent. Send a Top 10 list or helpful article to your clients […]
As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you’re well aware of the Exponential Strategies I teach my clients. One of the foundational principles is to create value and the leverage will come, on its own, as if by magic. I have several award-winning clients, but one sticks out right now well above the others […]
I was recently working with a client, Bree Robbins of Paddington Pups in Brisbane. As her business coach and mentor, we were discussing how she can differentiate herself within her existing product and service offering. I’m not advocating this is the primary theme, but rather a secondary or additional Pathway to Profit™. When a dog […]
This is a great idea to raise funds for charity. I share ideas like this with you to show you that when you adopt Exponential Mindset Thinking™ you can and will become more creative and innovative. Exposure to new and different ideas stimulates your Reticular Activation System (RAS) so it gets easier and easier with […]
We’ve all heard of the classic money back guarantee, but where else have you heard of someone guaranteeing results? That’s exactly what we’re doing for our next 2 programs – Etch-A-Sketch Thinking In The iPad Age and Become The Next Corporate Rockstar. Everyone gets to a point where they run out of fresh new ideas. […]
Every year, we stage the Exponential Business Building Bootcamp which is 3 full-on days where entrepreneurs and business people get together to learn the best strategies that are proven and tested to work. Each time it’s staged, there is new content, examples and case studies from real Australian businesses just like yours. Case studies that […]
Google “transactional marketing” or “relationship marketing” and you’ll get thousands of hits with titles like “relationship marketing vs transaction marketing”. Basically, transactional marketing is thought of as a thing of the past, while relationship marketing is the bright future that businesses should be striving towards. Transactional Relationship Marketing: The Cost Effective and Environmentally Friendly Strategy […]
Sam Kritsotakis of Eskae Jeweller recently won one of six prestigious Exponential Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards. After-the-fact people often look ‘back’ and realise how obvious it is… Which is why I wanted to share with you one of the many Exponential Marketing Strategies we’ve taught him – leveraging case studies. Click on the hyperlink […]
This 4 minute YouTube video takes a fun approach to resolving the challenge of breaking the language barrier in selling to non-English speaking prospects… Sometimes the obvious is well… obvious!
A lot of people ask me what the difference is between institutional advertising and call to action marketing. Simply put, institutional advertising is brand building and is only recommended when you have MILLIONS or BILLIONS in your marketing budget. Call to action marketing I don’t even call it advertising because it’s unilaterally focused on getting […]