Here are my picks for my top 10 blog posts of 2014. There is nothing more powerful than 20/20 Foresight to know what’s coming in 2015… This is my favourite YouTube video of the year – brilliant – Word Crimes are committed by too many people’s. Antimimeticisomorphism is easier said than done – this example […]
Archive for the 'Fun' Category
Every once in a while, someone comes out with a really great product… but the only way it can sell is by being provocative. Here is one BOLD example – enjoy!
Today’s post is a collection of artworks that interact with nature is a very unique way. Click the hyperlink to be amazed by these artists’s creations!
I am not into buzzwords and business jargon even though I have my own list of definitions for what I do… This video shows how you can talk a lot without saying anything… Courtesy of Weird Al Yancovic – the master of this art of parody.
We all want to avoid mistakes, which is easier said than done. That’s why this collection of Project Planning Pitfalls and Management Mistakes sponsored by Nebo Engineering is so funny and so true! Click on the image to download the collection from Nebo Engineering‘s website. This document is just another Exponential Marketing Strategy aimed at […]
If you are struggling to deliver your pre-Christmas orders, this is an approach you might want to consider… This was sent to me by Bree Robbins of Paddington Pups in Brisbane
“A consultant is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing.” – Unknown “Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?” – Edgar Bergen “Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.” […]
An old gentleman lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison at New Jersey State Prison in Trenton, NJ. The old man wrote a letter to his […]
Many business people search for complicated (and expensive) ways to grow their businesses… Often, the simplest and easiest things create the biggest results. This TED TALK video is an example of the concept of finding hidden assets in your business BY CHALLENGING preconceived thoughts and ideas. In this video, Terry Moore challenges you on how […]
Whenever I teach Killer Kopywriting – using words that sell – I make sure to emphasise that there is always a balance between what is said and is meant. Sometimes it’s subtle and sometimes it’s lost in translation… 😉
Watch this video and ask yourself the question – would you sit down? When I explain Antimimeticisomorphism to my clients, I always specify being different for a deliberate purpose without being provocative. This commercial pushes the envelope and makes the point without being offensive or being too serious. Thank you to Andrew Powell of Montreal, […]
Today’s blog post is a colourful overview of the history of advertising that captures the evolution of sales and marketing over the past decades. It’s always worthwhile to see where we’ve come from to determine where we’re going. Even though it has an American slant to it, it’s still interesting to review the milestones retrospectively. […]
We all remember playing around with a Rubik’s Cube, getting close to solving it only to scramble it even more… Those frustrations are not all that different from business owners who try to grow their businesses… Now there’s a special tool to help you grow your business – it’s called a Marc-Ka-Ching Kube!
I recently blogged about jargon and other overused words to avoid. Today’s post is a tongue-in-cheek look at how new words are created… CARPERPETUATION (kar’ pur pet u a shun) n. The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string or a piece of lint at least a dozen times, reaching over and picking it up, […]
Killer Kopywriting is one of the most potent business skills an entrepreneur or business executive can learn to grow a business. There is no substitute for literary precision and artistry when it comes to selling products and services. That being said, sometimes contrast is needed to fully grasp the power of words to communicate a […]
Even though I don’t own a dog, I love em! I especially enjoy visiting Paddington Pups as you can see below. I mean c’mon – life doesn’t get any better than spending it with happy, playful puppiess and dogs who love you unconditionally. Paddington Pups is raising money and awareness for the Millan Foundation setup […]