This is such a great concept I saw at Elizabeth’s Bookstore in Sydney!
Archive for the 'Retail Strategies' Category
Every once in a while, someone comes out with a really great product… but the only way it can sell is by being provocative. Here is one BOLD example – enjoy!
As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you are aware that Exponential Marketing is an approach, a mindset as much as it is a collection of highly effective strategies. Today’s post is an example of how to leverage what you do for clients. Bree Robbins of Paddington Pups in Brisbane has relocated to a […]
This is a BRILLIANT example of a retail shop that knows the value of testimonials and “case studies”… It is so good, it’s self-explanatory!
As you know, I am a proponent of Antimimeticisomorphism. This is an example of that kinf of out-of-the-ordinary thinking. This is a sign for a convenience store in Surfer’s Paradise on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. If you come across across examples like this – people doing out-of-the-ordinary things to create extra-ordinary results, please […]
Every once in a while* someone does something so out-of-the-ordinary that you have to do something about it. In this instance, it started about 3 years ago when I walked into a Runner’s retail shop called Running Room. First of all, this was in Richmond, Vancouver, Canada. Well Steveston if you want to be specific […]
Sydney’s Private Jeweler, Sam Kritsotakis, recently opened his new Eskae Boutique in Mosman… The reason that’s newsworthy is because a lot of businesses are struggling, yet our clients are thriving and expanding. The reason is simple. They are applying antimimeticisomorphism principles of Exponential Mindset Thinking – having fun, doing out–of-the-ordinary things that create extra-ordinary results […]
We have all heard the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”, but a TERRIBLE picture can lose you 1,000 clients. This photo was taken from a Facebook page for a restaurant. You be the judge – would you want to eat there? It’s no surprise (to me) that this restaurant is struggling to […]
As The Exponential Growth Strategist, once of the cornerstone principles of exponential marketing is uncovering hidden assets. This real life example made me take notice because it’s utterly brilliant! The only improvement I could make to this creative idea is to identify the balls to the matches played and sell those at a premium. (I […]
We’ve all heard of the classic money back guarantee, but where else have you heard of someone guaranteeing results? That’s exactly what we’re doing for our next 2 programs – Etch-A-Sketch Thinking In The iPad Age and Become The Next Corporate Rockstar. Everyone gets to a point where they run out of fresh new ideas. […]
This is a classic advertising story that is worthy of repetition. It’s not just funny, but exceptionally valuable when you extract from it lessons that you can leverage from it. Enjoy! A barber had been noticing that his clients had been dropping off slowly over the last eighteen months or so. He blamed the economy […]
I recently spoke at the 2010 Food Services Australia Show. I presented a summary of “How To Market Your Restaurant To Fill Your Empty Tables”. This all came about because of the 2010 Exponential Entrepreneur Of The Year Winner, Gavin Buckett, also known as the Gourmet Guardian, Australia’s premier Food Safety Specialist and HACCP Certification […]
This 4 minute YouTube video takes a fun approach to resolving the challenge of breaking the language barrier in selling to non-English speaking prospects… Sometimes the obvious is well… obvious!
Today’s post is yet another example of how the little things make a BIG difference. As you probably know, I love dogs even though I don’t have any because of my ‘jet set’ lifestyle… Recently, I visited the puppies and dogs at Paddington Pups Doggy Day Care in Brisbane (video below). While I was there, […]
I don’t know about you, but every once in a while something like this comes around and you want to reach out and shake Matt’s hand – for doing something that was so obvious, but took so much time and effort… The ketchup packet has been around for more than 40 years, and complaints about […]
Recently, I attended the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games and I came across this story about one of Canada’s top franchises that banned a disruptive client from its stores. I don’t know the details of the story, but I like the fact that the retailer made the decision it wanted to make – to get […]
I often talk about Risk Reversal as an Exponential Marketing Strategy. This YouTube video is something US Corporate America had never seen before. I guess you have to wonder if it’s too little too late or the real question might be “if they had this risk reversal guarantee years ago, would they be in the […]
Whenever I ask most people what business they’re in, I usually get an incoherent rambling about what they do (and they wonder why they’re struggling for new clients… but that’s a discussion for another day!) Then I ask then what’s important to their clients and 9 times out of 10 they have no clue. If […]
Watch this short video that reveals how retailers unknowingly throw away as much as 28% of their sales – that is one customer for every 4 walking out their shop door… This is one of those rare videos that hits you across the head like a two-by-four… As it should! WHAM!!!! The 4 Ways Sound […]
A good sense of humour never hurts, unless of course if you’re INsignificant! Exponential Marketing Strategies include the use of humour as long as it is tasteful, relevant and ADDS to the customer experience as this one plain does with a tongue-in-cheek approach. Think of ways you can re-phrase want you do using puns and […]