As I previously blogged, coming up with a great business name is not easy. Especially now that we have to deal with other businesses from around the world that might be using the name. With the Internet, we need to think globally instead of locally. I followed up my original blog article with a 9-point […]
Archive for the 'Exponential Marketing' Category
If you are a subscriber to this blog, you know that I have covered how to go from Bland To Brand by creating A Persona That Precedes You with ample real case studies and successful examples. I just recently published an extensive article on the Internet’s #1 registrar GoDaddy is a great service I […]
If you are planning an event or activity this year, you’ll want to have a look at the 2016 Australian Public Holiday and School Holiday Calendar. You often hear about value creation as a key to business (sales and marketing) success. Creating something like this calendar for your clients, friends, suppliers, creates value – quite […]
Every year, I publish a list of the top 10 blog posts for the year. Here are this year’s top picks from my collection of blogs. Take a few minutes and enjoy – the best of the best. Anyone using Social Media needs to watch this video, because THEY KNOW. This emotional Christmas commercial will […]
Today’s topic is the example of a good idea that could have been great. First, have a look at this IT workshop Money Back Guarantee proposition… Don’t get me wrong, it’s different and will probably resonate quite well with the target audience, but can you pick up the sub-optimal presupposition? It’s not obvious… Re-read it […]
One of the things I find absolutely amazing with owner-operator business owners is how many of them are in busy-ness. Busy, busy, busy, not getting anywhere. Don’t get me wrong – running a business takes time, I get that. But as a business coach and mentor, I can tell VERY QUICKLY the difference between successful […]
As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you are aware that Exponential Marketing is an approach, a mindset as much as it is a collection of highly effective strategies. Today’s post is an example of how to leverage what you do for clients. Bree Robbins of Paddington Pups in Brisbane has relocated to a […]
There are many concepts, strategies, techniques and approaches that make Exponential Marketing so effective, efficient and economical. One of the foundational building blocks is what I call Killer Kopywriting. It’s more than just words that sell, it’s a system that teaches you how to establish Killer Konversations that Kreate Killer Kampaigns to Konvert more Klients. […]
Today’s blog post is one of those “who thought of this?” cases that I just had to share with you. It was sent to me by Rangaswami Balakumar of Finpacific Treasury Systems. I am sure you’ll agree this is innovative business thinking at its very best! Click on the image below to download the case […]
As you know, I am a proponent of Antimimeticisomorphism. This is an example of that kinf of out-of-the-ordinary thinking. This is a sign for a convenience store in Surfer’s Paradise on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. If you come across across examples like this – people doing out-of-the-ordinary things to create extra-ordinary results, please […]
As a reader and/or subscriber to this and my other blogs, you already know that I have a holistic approach to life and business. I live and promote a “purpose driven life” that requires that you find and follow your passions. To help find your purpose and passions, you can begin by asking yourself the […]
Does combining offline and online mean double the costs or double the profits? That’s a perplexing question that baffles many small business owners and independent retailers. What works for multinational corporations with deep pockets doesn’t work for small businesses with shoe-string budgets. Even though today’s empowered consumers expect to interact with brands across a wide […]
Across Italy, police are cracking down on Ferrari and Lamborghini drivers, but not because they are driving too fast. Italy, like so much of southern Europe, is drowning in debt, so police are pursuing drivers to make sure they are declaring – and therefore paying taxes on – earnings that would allow them to afford […]
I recently blogged that print media is alive and well, but there are still some skeptics out there who don’t fully understand why that’s the case. First, let me deal with the obvious issue – print IS declining. There is no question that it has peaked and it’s decreasing quickly, but it’s far from dead […]
Watch this video and ask yourself the question – would you sit down? When I explain Antimimeticisomorphism to my clients, I always specify being different for a deliberate purpose without being provocative. This commercial pushes the envelope and makes the point without being offensive or being too serious. Thank you to Andrew Powell of Montreal, […]
Today’s blog post is a colourful overview of the history of advertising that captures the evolution of sales and marketing over the past decades. It’s always worthwhile to see where we’ve come from to determine where we’re going. Even though it has an American slant to it, it’s still interesting to review the milestones retrospectively. […]
I recently created a short YouTube video (48 seconds) that highlights what you can do with the exponential power of the Internet. In less than 1 minute, I am able to introduce myself as The Exponential Growth Strategist, promote my 1 Percent Improvement Doctrine to help you get more done with less effort, and make […]
Clients see you in one of two ways, either as a COST or as a BENEFIT. Examples of companies that are perceived as a ‘cost’ Lawyers Dentists Plumbers Gym Search consultants/headhunters Examples of companies that are perceived as a ‘benefit’ Restaurants that you want to eat at (non fast food) Jeweller Concerts and events Zoo […]
I was just talking with a print publisher explaining to her that I am a firm believer in the immense value of print media – EVEN if we are in a digital age, we are still not about to forego print anytime soon. Print just has to COMPLEMENT digital capabilities. Both print and digital can […]
As The Exponential Growth Strategist, once of the cornerstone principles of exponential marketing is uncovering hidden assets. This real life example made me take notice because it’s utterly brilliant! The only improvement I could make to this creative idea is to identify the balls to the matches played and sell those at a premium. (I […]