Archive for the 'USPs' Category

Anatomy Of A Great Business Card – Infographic

Looking to design a business card, have a look at the infographic below of the anatomy of a great business card.

Institutional Advertising Versus Call To Action Marketing

A lot of people ask me what the difference is between institutional advertising and call to action marketing. Simply put, institutional advertising is brand building and is only recommended when you have MILLIONS or BILLIONS in your marketing budget. Call to action marketing I don’t even call it advertising because it’s unilaterally focused on getting […]

For this restaurant, it’s NOT about the food

Whenever I ask most people what business they’re in, I usually get an incoherent rambling about what they do (and they wonder why they’re struggling for new clients… but that’s a discussion for another day!) Then I ask then what’s important to their clients and 9 times out of 10 they have no clue. If […]

Exponential Marketing Principles Revealed

Every once in a while I get carried away with ideas, thoughts and what I call distinctions (key tips and techniques that make all the difference in producing results)… Today is one of those days. This post covers what I call the basics of Exponential Marketing for both the NOVICE as well as the VETERAN […]

A Bright Idea For Self Promotion

Today’s post combines self-promotion with a Unique Selling Proposition. John Ghetto of tells me this strategy gets people to ring him when they see it. It’s one of the most effective self-promotional strategies you can use… Can you imagine how much you could save if you cut your lighting bill in half?!? Apparently the […]

Who doesn’t want to save 10 to 25% on fuel?

Sounds obvious, but guess what? There’s an Australian supplier who can deliver that and yet he’s ‘struggling’ to get new clients… Sound familiar? It doesn’t matter what you have to offer – if no one knows about it – no one will buy. Even if its a total ‘no brainer’… Imagine saving 10% to 25% […]

Convert Prospects Into Paying Clients Effortlessly

As an Exponential Growth Strategist, I hear it all the time… “How can I get MORE prospects to buy from me?” The answer is quite simple, but before I give it to you, you need to watch the video below, otherwise you won’t believe it. It was originally given to me by Stuart Gordon of […]