20/20 Foresight

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look into a crystal ball and see what the future holds?

20-20 Foresight. Exponential Programs20/20 Foresight might not be THAT precise and accurate, but there are tools, tips and techniques you can use to determine trends and tendencies forecasters and analysts use on a daily basis to predict what’s coming.

Small businesses are notorious for being reactionary rather than proactively aware and ready to face the future. This is partially because owner-managers work IN their business much more than ON their business as well as because they simply are not aware that these tools exist.

Next Saturday, in Melbourne, we are holding a 1-day workshop that will introduce you to the concept of 20/20 Foresight that is synonymous with Exponential Mindset Thinking, leveraging the MasterMind Principle in an interesting and creative way.

There is nothing worse in business than being caught completely unprepared. This workshop will enable you to start developing forecasting and preemptive strategies that will enhance your view of the future to improve the decisions you make today.

Imagine having a copy of a exam, weeks before you have to sit the final?

How differently would you study?
How much less stress would you have?
How would you go about your lectures and study habits?
What would happen to your grades?
Would you enjoy the process more or less?

The same can be true for your business – but only if you know the tools, tips and techniques to acquire 20/20 Foresight…

So if you want 20/20 Foresight, contact us and we’ll help you create the future you want.*

*Oops… Did I forget to mention that once you have an idea of what the future holds, you can actually start to change it?!?!?! Oh well… No use getting into how to do that unless you attend.

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