If you were like me, you were transfixed by the 2-year long campaign for the US Presidency. It amazed me how the ‘daily hype’ machine was able to remain ‘on message’ and how the discipline to that single strategy shifted the ground to eventually give Obama the victory.
Being and staying ‘on message’ simply means to re-direct ANY and ALL inquiries, deflections, tangents, objections, rebuttals or questions back to YOUR MESSAGE.
This is nowhere more important than on your sales call or presentation.
If you are selling plumbing and you call someone and they say “I don’t know who you are, why are you calling me?” You simply reply “I am the person who can help prevent your pipes from being rooted by the trees on your or your neighbour’s property…”
If the person is adamant “I need to know how you got my details….” You say… “Mr Smith, from 123 main street, I have your details because as a former client or referral, there is a chance that your pipes may get crushed by the roots of the trees on your neighbour’s property and I want to make sure we prevent that from happening since it’ll cost $20,000+ to try to win that argument in court and $5,000 to actually fix your pipes.”
Can you see by staying ON MESSAGE, you have a much better chance to sell your services?
If you want to make sure your pipes don’t get rooted, in New South Wales, contact The Lone Drainer and Pronto!
Can you see first-hand that STAYING ON MESSAGE is so much more powerful, convincing without being pushy?
Of course if the person doesn’t have pipe problems – you don’t want to keep them on the line any longer than you need to… That’s called sales qualification and is a given!
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