Ray Keefe of Successful Endeavours recently reminded me that the following industries were represented at our recent Exponential Business Building Bootcamp. In so doing, he triggered a to do list item that I had been meaning to get to – which is one of the ways the Reticular Activation System works to help you get better results with less effort…
Industries represented at the 2009 Exponential Business Building Bootcamp

2009 Exponential Business Building Bootcamp Participants
– low cost electronics manufacture
– research and development consultancy
– Gym
– online directory
– IT and web services
– search engine optimisation and website hosting
– exponential business growth strategist
– engineering education
– pet store and services
– plumber
– customer service training
– precious metals investments
– sewing classes
– flipping websites for profit
– copywriter
– accounting services
– dental supplies and equipment
– personal breakthrough coach
– custom jeweller
– food safety certification and audit
– butcher
– artist and cartoonist
Then it dawned on me that I had a comprehensive list of industries that Exponential Marketing strategies had been proven and tested to work in…

Exponential Marketing Strategies Tested And Proven In These Industries
So if you’re in any of these industries, contact us and we’ll show you how to grow your business exponentially!
Accommodation and food services
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll
Actuarial Services
Administration of economic programs and space research
Administration of environmental quality and housing
Administration of human resource programs
Administrative and support and waste management services
Advertising and related services
Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace product and parts manufacturing
Aged & Disabled Services
Agricultural chemical manufacturing
Agricultural implement manufacturing
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Air Force
Air transportation
Aircraft and parts manufacturing
Alcoholic beverage wholesalers
Aluminum production and processing
Amusement, gambling, and recreation industries
Animal food, grain, and oilseed milling
Animal production
Animal slaughtering and processing
Antiques, Art and Craft Galleries
Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing
Apparel, fabrics, and notions wholesalers
Architectural, engineering, and related services
Armed Forces
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
Audit & Business Services
Auto Electricians
Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores
Automobile dealers
Automotive Engineering
Automotive equipment rental and leasing
Automotive repair and maintenance
Automotive Trades
Bakery & Hot Bread Shops
Barber shops
Beauty salons
Beauty Therapy
Beer, wine, and liquor stores
Beverage manufacturing
Boarding houses
Book stores and news dealers
Bowling centers
Building Inspection
Building Maintenance
Building material and supplies dealers
Building Site Management
Bus service and urban transit
Business Analysis
Business Policy, Planning & Strategy
Business support services
Business, professional, political, and similar
Business, technical, and trade schools and training
Cabinet Makers
Cafe & Coffee Lounges
Call Centre Management
Campaigning & Lobbying
Car washes
Caravan Parks
Carpet Cleaning Contractors
Carpets and rugs manufacturing
Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product manufacturing
Change Management
Chemical Engineering
Child Care
Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and
Civil Engineering
Clinical & Medical Research
Clothing and accessories, except shoe stores
Coal mining
Coast Guard
Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities
Colleges and universities, including junior colleges
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair
Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing
Commercial Printers
Communications, audio, and video equipment manufacturing
Community food and housing, and emergency services
Community Service & Volunteering
Computer & Phone (Sales & Repair)
Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing
Computer systems design and related services
Concreting Contractors
Construction mining and oil field machinery manufacturing
Consulting Engineers
Consulting Surveyors
Consumer goods rental
Consumer Products
Contracts Administration
Corner Stores, Mixed Business
Corporate Strategy
Couriers & Taxi Trucks
Couriers and messengers
Crop production
Customer Service
Cut and sew apparel manufacturing
Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing
Dairy product manufacturing
Data Entry
Data processing services
Demolition & Excavation
Department stores
Desktop Publishing
Direct selling establishments
Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied product
Dry Cleaners
Drycleaning and laundry services
Durable goods
Earthmoving Contractors
Educational, health and social services
Electric and gas and other combinations
Electric power generation transmission and distribution
Electrical Appliance Retailers
Electrical Contractors
Electrical Engineering
Electrical goods
Electrical lighting, equipment, and supplies
Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance
Electronic component and product manufacturing, n.e.c.
Electronic shopping and mail-order houses
Elementary and secondary schools
Employment services
Engines, turbines, and power transmission equipment
Environmental Engineering
Executive offices and legislative bodies
Fabric & Sewing Supplies
Fabric mill
Fabricated metal products manufacturing
Facilities Management
Family Day Care
Farm product raw material wholesalers
Farm supplies wholesalers
Fiber, yarn, and thread mills
Film, Radio & Television
Financial investments
Financial Planners
Fish & Chip Shops
Fishing, hunting, and trapping
Fitness Centres
Floor Covering Retailers
Food industries
Footwear and leather goods repair
Footwear manufacturing
Footwear Retailers
Forestry except logging
Fruit & Vegetable Retailers
Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food
Fuel dealers
Fundraising % Not-for-Profit Organisations
Funeral homes, cemeteries and crematories
Furniture and home furnishings
Furniture and related products manufacturing
Furniture Retailers
Gardening & Landscaping
Gasoline stations
Gem Cutting
General government and support
General Medical Practitioners
General merchandise stores
Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops
Giftware Retailers
giving services
Glass & Aluminium Door, Window (Manufacturing & Fitting)
Glass and glass product manufacturing
Graphic Design
Groceries and related product wholesalers
Grocery stores
Hardware Retailers
Hardware stores
Health and personal care
Health care services
Health Food Retailers
Health practitioners
Home health care services
Household appliance manufacturing
Household appliance stores
Human Resources Management
Hydraulic Engineering
Icrecream and Confectionary Retailers
Independent artists, performing arts, spectator sports
Individual and family services
Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Relations
Information Research
Information services
Information Technology
Insolvency Accounting
Instruments manufacturing
Insurance Brokers
Insurance carriers and related activities
Intellectual Property Research
Internet & Multimedia Design
Investigation and security services
Investment Banking
Iron and steel mills and steel product manufacturing
Jewellery Making
Jewellery Retailers
Jewellery, luggage, and leather goods stores
Journalism & Writing
Justice, public order, and safety activities
Knitting mills
Labor unions
Labour Hire
Landscape Architecture
Landscaping Contractors
Laundromats, Laundry and Linen Services
Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores
Leather tanning and products, except footwearmanufacturing
Legal Practices
Legal services
Liquor Barns & Bottleshops
Lumber and other construction materials
Machine shops, turned product, screw, nut, and bolt
Machinery manufacturing
Machinery manufacturing
Machinery, equipment, and supplies
Management of companies and enterprises
Management services
Marine & Boating Dealers
Mechanical Engineering
Media Mangement
Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
Medical Practice & Specialists
Medical Specialists (Other)
Menswear Retailers
Metal Fabricators, Engineering Works
Metal forgings and stampings
Metal industries
Metal ore mining
Metals and minerals, except petroleum
Metalworking machinery manufacturing
Military Reserves or National Guard
Milk and Juice Runs
Motion pictures and video industries
Motor Bike Dealers
Motor Mechanics
Motor vehicle dealers
Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment manufacturing
Motor vehicles, parts and supplies
Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar
Music and Record Retailers
Nail salons and other personal care services
National security and international affairs
Natural gas distribution
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control
Network Marketing
Newspaper publishers
Non-depository credit and related activities
Nondurable goods wholesalers
Nonferrous metal, except aluminum, production and
Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
Nursery & Landscaping Supplies (Retail)
Nursing & Midwifery
Nursing care facilities
Occupational Health & Safety
Office of chiropractors
Office supplies and stationary stores
Office Supply, Stationers
Office Support
Oil & Gas
Oil and gas extraction
Outpatient care centers
Paint, coating, and adhesives manufacturing
Painting Contractors
Paper and paper product wholesalers
Paper and pulp products
Paperboard containers and boxes
Passenger Transport
Performing Arts
Personal and household goods repair and maintenance
Personal services
Pest Control Contractors
Petroleum and coal products
Petroleum and petroleum product wholesalers
Petroleum refining
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmacies and drug stores
Photographic/ Photo Processing
Pipeline transportation
Plastering Contractors
Plastics product manufacturing
Plumbing Contractors
Police & Prisons
Postal Service
Pottery, ceramics, and related products manufacturing
Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes
Printing and related support activities
Private households
Process Engineering
Procurement & Inventory
Production Nurseries (Growers)
Professional and commercial equipment and supplies
Professional, scientific and technical services
Project Management
Property Development
Psychology & Counselling
Public administration
Public finance activities
Public Hotels
Public Relations
Public Service
Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills
Quantity Surveying
Radio and television broadcasting and cable
Radio, TV, and computer stores
Radiology & Sonography
Rail transportation
Railroad rolling stock manufacturing
Real Estate Agencies
Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and
Recruitment Constulting
Recyclable material
Religious organizations
Residential care facilities, without nursing
Resin, synthetic rubber and fibers, and filaments
Response Management
Restaurant – Licensed
Restaurant – Unlicensed/BYO
Risk Management
Road Transport Operators
Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing
Rural Machinery, Truck Dealers
Rural Merchants
Savings institutions, including credit unions
Sawmills and wood preservation
Scenic and sightseeing transportation
Schools, instruction, and educational services
Science & Technology
Scientific research and development services
Screen Printers
Seafood and other miscellaneous foods n.e.c.
Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other
Service Stations
Services to buildings and dwellings
Sewage treatment facilities
Sewing, needlework and piece goods stores
Ship and boat building
Shoe stores
Smash Repairers
Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetic manufacturing
Social Assistance
Software publishing
Sound recording industries
Specialized design services
Specialty Food Shops
Sport & Recreation
Sporting goods, camera, and hobby and toy stores
Sports, Toys, Outdoor Retailers
Structural clay product manufacturing
Structural Engineering
Structural metals and tank and shipping container
Sugar and confectionery products
Support activities for agriculture and forestry
Support activities for mining
Systems Engineering
Take-Away Food Retailers
Tax Accounting
Taxi and limousine service
Taxi Operators
Technical consulting services
Telecommunication services
Textile and fabric finishing and coating mills
Textile product mills except carpets and rugs
Therapists, Counsellors & Psychiatrists
Tiling Contractors
Tire manufacturing
Tobacco manufacturing
Town Planning
Toys, amusement, and sporting goods manufacturing
Training & Staff Development
Transportation equipment manufacturing
Travel & Tourism
Travel Agencies
Travel arrangement and reservation services
Traveler accommodation
Truck transportation
Tyre Dealers
Vending machine operators
Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products
Veterinary Practices
Veterinary Services
Video Libraries
Video tape and disk rental
Virtual Assistant
Visual Arts
Vocational rehabilitation services
Waste management and remediation services
Water transportation
Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigation systems
Welding & Boilermaking
Wholesale trade
Wired telecommunications carriers
Women’s Fashion & Children’s Wear Retailers
Wood products
Zookeeping, Animal Handling & Animal Welfare
Hi Marc,
that is a very impressive list of industries that your exponential growth strategies have been able to assist. It also demonstrates how widely applicable they are for business growth across almost any sector.
Our own business building activities supporting Australian electronics manufacturers through our innovative and cost effective electronics design and embedded software solutions has already stepped up a level thanks to your strategies.
Ray Keefe