Archive for the 'Branding' Category

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Trademarking and branding

If you’re an Australian business looking for an inexpensive way to protect your brand or product name, check out this website, courtesy of Daniel Lizurek of Fast Profits. Make sure you keep this handy so that it’s where you can find it when you need it! Onward and upward! Marc P.S. Or just come […]

1% Improvements are quick and easy

Today’s post is about a 1% improvement that is quick and easy and FREE. It can pay HUGE dividends over and over again. It’s actually TWO strategies in one. First it’s about having an autoresponse system that when you are away from the office at an event or on leave, you have your e-mails autoresponded […]

Dr Marc Dussault has fun with Mark Buhagiar of Austlink Computer Services

At the recent Advanced Business Mastery event in Melbourne, we were deep into exponential marketing strategies when the following improvisation broke out. It was so much fun, I had to share it with you. This is called creating a referral endorsement that is turbo charged with humour. I meant every single word. It was fun. […]

Exponential Branding Exercise 101

Today’s exercise is a fun exercise to come up with new product, brand and company names. One of our Platinum Members, Gavin Buckett of AGB Solutions needs a new name (don’t you agree?)… He is in the process of starting the process. He’s come up with the following list of words… Clean: Sanitise Hygienic Hygiene […]