Tag Archive for 'New Ideas'

The duality of English/French Canada and what it means to you as an Australian

I recently spent a week in my hometown of Montreal. It’s in the French province of Quebec in eastern Canada. Ignoring the separatist Quebec issues and constitutional legal wrangling involved, the linguistic and cultural duality of Canada was something I took for granted when I grew up and lived there. This recent visit was the […]

Innovators: How They Think

As a business owner or corporate executive, you’re always looking for ways to be more creative and innovative to find fresh new ideas to make your next sales or marketing campaign a success. In an attempt to determine how great thinkers achieve their great outcomes, British marketing consultant Simon Sinek believes that he has stumbled […]

AntiMimeticIsoMorphism Example: Think Inside the box!

Ian Faulkner sent me this YouTube link – everyone says to think outside the box, but when you’re antimimeticisomorphic, you want to consider thinking INSIDE the box! This video is self-evident, but the lesson for YOU might not be. What can you do to turn the proverbial box inside-out? What can you do to attract […]