Research has shown that taller men are able to earn more money than their shorter counterparts simply because taller people are perceived to be more intelligent and powerful, this according to a study published in The Economic Record by Wiley-Blackwell. The study entitled “Does Size Matter in Australia?” uses newly available data from the Household, […]
Monthly Archive for October, 2009
I can’t say it often enough… Whenever you’re given a task – do it right. This one’s from exponential copywriter Farhad Khurshed… I know you’ll agree this is a simplistic example, but illustrative of just not showing up to work with your A game. This blog is all about giving you the skills, aptitudes and […]
I tell people all the time that the Law Of Attraction works in mysterious ways, attracting the positive things you need just when you need them. This photo was taken by David Conroy, The Lone Drainer And Pronto!, Sydney’s Premier Plumber – it’s not my vehicle, but the plate might as well be! The incredible […]