20/20 ForeSight is the reverse of 20/20 HindSight to CREATE the future you want instead of regretting decisions of the past. This matrix, projecting the top skills employers will look for in 2030 is an excellent starting point if you’re looking to “Talent Stack” yourself for the future.
Archive for the 'Goal Setting' Category
One of the key concepts of Personal Productivity Principles is the concept of PRIME TIME. Every time you have a task to do, you have to weigh the time/cost – value equation against your own “productivity expectation” and determine WHEN to do it. PRIME TIME is best explained with a telemarketing/sales example: PRIME TIME = […]
I bet you’re skeptical, even defiant this is not the case. Surely you want your dreams to come true more than you want to be sick… Maybe, maybe not. Let me explain. I know a lot of busy people. People who complain they don’t have any time to do anything, especially the things necessary for […]
Today’s blog post is priceless and timeless. Priceless because it can be life-changing and timeless because it dates back several hundred ago and it remains timely and relevant to this day… This was submitted to me by Mark Mackenzie of The Graffiti Eaters. When Beethoven was 26, he started to lose his hearing. It began […]
In my line of work, I come across two types of people. Type 1 wants to make money, achieve something, do whatever it takes. Type 2 wants what everyone calls work-life balance because they have achieved ‘enough’ and realise without balance, there is imbalance and that’s not good. The quote below is a foundational, guiding […]
Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning List 1: Your Focus List (the road ahead)What are you trying to achieve? What makes you happy? What’s important to you? Design your time around those things. Because time is your one limited resource and no matter how hard you try you can’t work 25/8. List 2: […]
This is a concept we covered in detail at our latest Exponential Extravaganza. Easier said than done, you have to have a time/life management system to make the concept a reality. A recent article in Inc Magazine demanded you stop working more than 40 hours a week. The article revealed that you may think you’re […]
One of the most valuable skills you can learn is speed reading. The reason although self-evident is lost on many professionals and entrepreneurs who struggle to keep up with the demands of their careers and businesses. Preeminence means that your reputation, standing and stature as a source of knowledge, expertise and wisdom precedes you. It’s […]
I have mixed feelings about willpower and it’s importance in goal setting and achievement. The main reason is that if you have a clearly articulated goal, outcome or dream you want to achieve that really excites you, you don’t need any willpower to get it done. Willpower to me is an excuse for impotent goal […]