Archive for the 'Professional Development Tips' Category

20/20 ForeSight: Top Skills For The Future

20/20 ForeSight is the reverse of 20/20 HindSight to CREATE the future you want instead of regretting decisions of the past. This matrix, projecting the top skills employers will look for in 2030 is an excellent starting point if you’re looking to “Talent Stack” yourself for the future.

Say more by writing less

Many people start the new year with a resolution to improve their communication and/or writing skills. The idiom “less is more and more is less” is well known,as is the quote attributed to Mark Twain: “Given more time, I would have written less (a shorter letter).” Writing Short is not easy. This table can get […]

Subscriptions Every Small Business Should Have

Pexels – CCO Licence If you are running a small business in 2024, and you are not making use of subscription services, then chances are you are paying more money than you need to for everything from software to accounting. The right subscriptions will save you money and increase your company’s efficiency so let’s take […]

Unleashing Potential: Harnessing Business Enablement

In an ever-evolving business landscape, standing still is the fastest path backwards. Successful companies – those that adapt, embrace innovation and harness enablement’s as fuel – emerge victorious over time. Now is an opportune moment for enterprises of any kind to examine some key enablement’s that could take them even further ahead. Photo by Razvan […]

Improving Your Finances As A Small Business Owner

Image credit Managing your money as a small business owner is critical to your success. Be it your business finances or your personal finances. If one or both are in disarray, chances are you’re not operating to your full potential, and you will be making grave mistakes along the way. But now, can you improve […]

Mastering Persuasion And Influence

This great presentation was provided by Lena Yammine of Inner Outer Health.

Why I get people to write their own letters of reference

If you’ve subscribed or followed my blogs, you know by now about my concept of antimimeticisomorphism – Doing out-of-the-ordinary things to create extra-ordinary results with the least amount of effort and lowest cost. Early in my career, a mentor got me to write my own letter of reference. He explained that as the requestor and […]

10 Things that seriously irritate your boss

This list of pet peeves is so prevalent it begs to be printed and framed in every office lunchroom. Each is the soure of a Career Limiting Move (CLM) that usually goes unspoken much to the frustration of the irritant who is usually clueless to the infraction and then usually escalates his/her behaviour committing more […]

Are you ready for PRIME TIME?

One of the key concepts of Personal Productivity Principles is the concept of PRIME TIME. Every time you have a task to do, you have to weigh the time/cost – value equation against your own “productivity expectation” and determine WHEN to do it. PRIME TIME is best explained with a telemarketing/sales example: PRIME TIME = […]

Praise At Work

I am not an advocate of feeding Praise Junkies as spotlighted in the BBC article hyperlinked, but praise does go a long way to motivating employees. Here is a useful infographic to help you motivate your team.