There are lots of excellent advantages to working in a team in the business sphere. You can pull plenty more ideas together – after all, they do say that two (or three, or four) heads are better than one. Team mates in the workplace can inspire each other, and hold each other to account; and plus, sometimes working in a team can just be more fun than working alone. However, when you are head of a team, you can also encounter some quite frustrating situations.
You are putting your faith, and the fate of the business, directly into other people’s hands. If you don’t trust those people in question, you could end up biting your nails watching their every move, in the case of a slip-up. Of course, you need to abandon complete control over your business from time to time, and it is important that you are not overly stressed during this time. By covering your back with your team and making sure they are all clued up about what is expected of them, you can rest easy knowing they can nail that presentation or business deal without you even being present. Here’s your checklist for allowing your team to roam free.
Assign roles
Even if your business runs on a non-hierarchal basis, you will need to be prepared to establish some roles in your absence. Without a leader and someone to report to, business groups can quickly start to run amok, and in some cases, conflict can arise. Study your team for a few weeks as and when you can, to see who shows natural leadership abilities. Don’t make it obvious what you are doing as if the team catches on they might start to behave differently to get a shot at the big time.
Make sure everyone is in the best condition
If the task you are sending your team out on is a presentation or a conference, you need to make sure that everyone is in both the best physical and mental health possible. For example, the last thing you want is for a colleague to ruin an important pitch because their anxiety got the better of them, or because they struggled to read the slides and notes due to poor eyesight. Perform an ‘office health check’ before a big event like this. If you do it far enough in advance, it will give you plenty of time to check out things like how to get vision insurance rates for you and your team. Plus, always make sure your colleagues are happy to switch between roles if need be, just in case someone drops out due to illness.
Give them the brief
Allowing members of your team free reign can benefit you on some occasions, especially during a particularly creative task. But if you are sending them to a corporate event with strict protocols, you may need to ask them to follow a set brief. Hand them this brief, both in person and with a paper/electronic copy well in advance of the event, so they have time to ask you any questions about it if they need to.
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